University of Arizona M.S. in Urban Planning students were awarded the 2022 American Planning Association (APA) Arizona Chapter Student Project Award at this year's AZ APA State Conference for their report, Thriving Transit Corridors: Driving Transit-Oriented Development Along Tucson's Broadway Corridor. The report uses scenario planning methods, market-based research, and site-specific analysis to imagine how different levels of transit investment might affect public transportation options along a 4-mile section of Broadway Boulevard in Tucson, Arizona. The report was completed in spring 2022 by Garrett Aldrete, Jacob Burg, Noah Cannold, Ben Carpenter, Longao Guo, Melanie Olson, Chrissy Scarpitti and Nathalia Untiveros under the guidance of Kristina Currans, assistant professor of urban planning at CAPLA, and in consultation with several City of Tucson planners.
Students were also recognized by Tucson's KGUN 9 On Your Side for their work on the report. (Link to news report here.)
On behalf of all Friends of Planning members, thank you for your work and congratulations on your terrific achievement!